World Champion Bodysurfer, 29-year Hawaii veteran lifeguard on Oahu’s North Shore
DaFiN is the only swim fin I use both professionally and for recreation. Power and comfort are the two utmost things I need in a pair of fins. DaFiN delivers on both and more.

World-renowned Hawaiian waterman, Big Wave Rescue Expert
DaFiN has come up with a design that totally suits my needs in ocean situations. Flexibility and strength are the two utmost things I need in a pair of fins. DaFiN has both and more. First, flexibility. In a heavy surf situation you need a fin that is flexible to change direction fast, whether it is to get off your rescue craft quickly or to avoid a coral reef. Flexibility is also a requirement in rescue situations where you need agility in the water both for self defense and maneuvering a victim in the right direction. Second, strength. When tons of water are holding you down or tumbling you over and over, there is only a fine line for survival. When you see that line, DaFiN can kick in with the strength you need to reach your vantage point, whether it’s a rescue or saving your own life.
When you put on DaFiN, it’s not like another piece of equipment, it feels more like a natural part of your body. DaFiN’s foot pocket is soft and clings to your foot in rough situations. (I have never had one ripped off by ocean turbulence.) And the stiffness of the blade and its outer directional ribs give me added power. When I’m working on a movie set, whether it be “Water World,” “In God’s Hands,” “Riding Giants,” “Blue Crush,” “Pearl Harbor,” or “Billabong Odessey,” I’m not without DaFiNs. In fact, as stunt coordinator on several major movies, I have encouraged other stuntmen to use DaFiN. They have all been thankful for my advice. So besides flexibility and strength, DaFiN is extremely comfortable. I don’t go to work without them. That’s why when I’m operating a rescue craft in huge surf, I’ve got them on, and they’ll stay on most of the day.
Some of my credentials that back up this endorsement include: instructor for ocean risk management, ocean survival and underwater self defense, former Honolulu City County lifeguard lieutenant who helped pioneer the use of rescue craft and invent the rescue sled towed behind, Hui of He’e Nalu Hawaiian Water Patrol, 1991 Quiksilver Aikau Waterman Award, and over 500 awards for surfing, canoe surfing, body boarding, body surfing, tandem surfing and sailing. Currently I work with the film industry as an actor, stuntman, stunt coordinator and director.
Mahalo for giving me a chance to endorse an extremely good product for surviving extreme ocean scenarios.

Zak Noyle
Professional Surf Photographer

Surf Photographer and Film Maker

North Shore Lifeguard, World Lifeguard Champion
I give my strongest recommendation for DaFiN as the best fin on the market today. I have used DaFiN since its initial development and have compared it to every fin currently produced. DaFiN is without equal.
DAFIN is the fastest fin in production. As a member of TEAM HAWAII, I won the 1995 surf rescue competition by nearly 20 seconds in the International Oceanfest World Lifeguard Championships using DaFiN. I was the only swimmer using DaFiN at the time. I proceeded to place in the top-three for five consecutive years using DaFiN. DaFiN’s unique design channels water straight off the back which prevents ‘slippage’ off the sides of the fin giving it exceptional propulsion. Furthermore, the flexibility of DaFiN at the ‘toe box’ and stiffness of the actual blade enables the entire blade to propel water instead of a smaller proportion as with all other fins. An added benefit of this feature is that the blade can be wider and shorter which prevents cramping and excess fatigue as with other fins, most notably ‘DUCK FEET’ and ‘THE BLADE’.
DaFiN is manufactured with less material and is far lighter than any other fin on the market. The ‘toe box’ is so soft that I have never experienced a blister using DA FIN even while swimming the entire Na Pali coast in three consecutive days. The ‘toe box’ is wide, snug, and comfortable. I can’t wait to put them on.
As a North Shore Lifeguard at Waimea, Pipeline, and Sunset Beach for over nine years, I made nearly five hundred rescues with DaFiN. With DaFiN I am able to run even in the deeper sand of the North Shore. This allowed me to put DaFiN on before entering the water which is critical to keeping a visual on my victim as long as possible.
DaFiN is the superior product. I challenge every person to compare them to any other fin on the market in the most challenging conditions.